Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tartiflette Savoyarde

Tonight D&S cooked this delicious supper for us. We had it with a green salad and some cherry tomatoes. It was scrumptious. It is traditional alpine recipe, especially delicious aprés-ski or any outdoor winter sport.


1 kg potatoes

1 packet lardons

2 small/1 large onions

1 small glass of wine

1 small tub of cream

1 reblochon cheese

Pre-heat the oven to about 180C.
Peel and cook the potatoes. Let them cool and then slice them about a pound coin thick.
Slice the onions thinly and put them in a frying pan with a bit of oil. Soften the onions, and half way through, add the lardons.
When the mixture is ready, add a small glass of wine and continue cooking until it has evaporated.
Butter or oil an oven dish. Add a row of potatoes, then some onion and lardon mixture, continuing until the mixture is used up.
Then pour over the cream. (We didn't do this bit!)
Slice a reblochon cheese in half so you have two large round pieces. Place cheese, rind up, on top of the layers.
Place in oven until the cheese melts taking care that the rind does not burn.
Serve with a green salad. It is very filling!

 Ready to go in the oven

The finished article.


laughing snail said...

oooh that looks very yummy!

laughing geo said...

ah a hearty T it was ;-)

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